Rental properties – borrowing expenses

Rental properties – borrowing expenses

If you earn income from an investment property, you may be entitled to a deduction for expenses directly incurred in taking out a loan for the property. Have you considered what this means for you and your investment property? Let’s start at the beginning and...
Record Keeping

Record Keeping

You are legally required to keep records of all transactions relating to your tax and superannuation affairs. Failing to keep correct records can have financial consequences. You are legally required to keep records of all transactions relating to your tax and...
Tax time 2022: ATO focus areas

Tax time 2022: ATO focus areas

2022 Tax time is fast approaching, and this financial year, the ATO will again be focusing on a few key areas to ensure that individuals are doing the right thing and paying the right amount of tax. These key areas are considered by the ATO to be problem areas where...