ATO warns against asset wash sales

ATO warns against asset wash sales

The ATO has warned taxpayers against participating in asset wash sales to inflate their losses artificially. With COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions in the rear-view mirrors of most of the country, the ATO is also beginning to resume normal compliance activity...
Record Keeping

Record Keeping

You are legally required to keep records of all transactions relating to your tax and superannuation affairs. Failing to keep correct records can have financial consequences. You are legally required to keep records of all transactions relating to your tax and...
Tax Time 2022 is around the corner

Tax Time 2022 is around the corner

The ATO is reminding businesses this tax time 2022 to see if there are tax-deductible items or concessions they are able to access and to consider their record-keeping habits of the past year. As the end of another tax year approaches, the ATO has reminded businesses...